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  • @floflo91 thanks for the help!

    I used the plugin you mentioned and the logic seems fine on the backend etc.

    A Repeater field (so i can mix and match the flexible content)
    A.1 Checkbox to choose to have flexible content A or B
    A.2 Reusable field of Flexible content A (core modules for use on other websites)
    A.3 Reusable field of Flexible content B (specific custom modules used for specific website).

    The frontent/template part is a bit tricky.

    Repeater field
    – checkbox
    — Reusable Field group (ex. modules_main_reusable)
    — Flexible content field (ex. modules_main)
    —- Field types for the flexible layout

    How should i call the modules_main_reusable field type? like this:

    if( have_rows('modules_main_reusable') ):
    while ( have_rows('modules_main_reusable') ) : the_row();

    And then add the flexible repeater code inside it?

                        if( have_rows('modules_main') ):
    					while ( have_rows('modules_main') ) : the_row(); ?>
                              <?php  if( get_row_layout() == 'module_sample' ): ?>
                                <?php get_template_part('templates/modules-main/module', 'sample') ?>
                              <?php endif; ?>
                         <?php endwhile; endif; ?>