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this is absolutely great!
I am testing this and its looking very promising,
f.e. because it can be used more specific (f.e. for a certain field) and is not that general.
at the moment i have this:
Links in header.php
<?$data = array('lang'=>'en');?>
<a href="?<?echo http_build_query($data) . "\n";?>">English</a>
<?$data = array('lang'=>'ger');?>
<a href="?<?echo http_build_query($data) . "\n";?>">Deutsch</a>
in functions.php I set a cookie from the links above
///// Set cookie
add_action('init', function() {
global $language;
/////set cookie from GET:
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
setcookie('lang', $lang, strtotime('+1 day'),"/", false);
///receive value from cookie and get
if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])){
echo "<br>cookie:<br>";
echo $_COOKIE['lang'];
$language = $_COOKIE['lang']; ///sanitize this later…
if (isset($_GET['lang'])) {
echo "<br>GET:<br>";
echo $_GET['lang'];
$language = $_GET['lang']; //// sanitize
echo "<br>language global is: ".$language."<br><br>";
//// end set cookie
in the post template i use this
<? echo get_multilingual_field("haupttext"); ?>
and in functions.php i declare the function like this
///multilanguage field
function get_multilingual_field($field_name) {
global $language;
$value = get_field($field_name.'_'.$language, false, false);
if (!$value) {
// no value returned for language
// get the default
// no translation print out a message
if ($language=="en")
$value = "Sorry, no translation available<br><br>";
$value.= get_field($field_name,false, false);
return $value;
i can use this approach very flexible, for example
i have a function to show the date
and i can modify it to show german/american date very easily
function datumzeit($id) {
global $language;
/////std date
$folge_std_min= 'j.n.Y, H:i \h';
$folge_std_min= 'n.j.Y, h:i A';
$timestamp = get_field("zeitstempel", $id);
echo date($folge, $timestamp);
i also have a switch
function to translate a certain field (based on a dropdown list)…
and so on, thank you so much for your help!
what do you think is this a good way to do this?
PS: Sorry for the not so nice code and the debug-infos…
PPS: to use this all echos
in the first function need to delete
PPPS: I just disabled wpml and the performance is insane. Backend loads in 2,4 sek. With wpml / string translation etc the loading time was 8 sek!
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