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  • Hey feios, sure. Here’s an example of what I ended up doing. I’m sure there might be a more efficient but this worked well for me. Just update with your post type (if applicable) and the field key & name. In my case the field type was a Repeater, with an Image sub field (amongst others).

    function unattach_media($post_id) {
        // Only do this for my post type
        if ( get_post_type($post_id) == 'my_cpt' ){
            // vars
            $fields = false;
            // load from post
            if( isset($_POST['fields']) ) {
                $fields = $_POST['fields'];
            global $wpdb;
            $field_key = 'field_key1234567890';
            $field_name = 'field_name';
            if (isset($fields[$field_key])) {
                $previous_images = get_field($field_name, $post_id);
                $new_images = $fields[$field_key];
                // create a lookup of ids for images in the post
                $new_lookup = array();
                if (!empty($new_images)) {
                    foreach($new_images as $row) {
                        array_push($new_lookup, $row['image']);
                // create a lookup of images that were removed
                $removed_lookup = array();
                if (!empty($previous_images)) {
                    foreach($previous_images as $row) {
                        if (!in_array($row['image'], $new_lookup)) {
                            array_push($removed_lookup, $row['image']);
                if (!empty($removed_lookup)) {
                    foreach($removed_lookup as $image) {
                        // unattach removed ones
                        $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_parent'=>0), array('id'=>$image, 'post_type'=>'attachment'));
                if (!empty($new_lookup)) {
                    foreach($new_lookup as $image) {
                        // attach added ones
                        $wpdb->update($wpdb->posts, array('post_parent'=>$post_id), array('id'=>$image, 'post_type'=>'attachment'));
    // run before ACF saves the $_POST['fields'] data
    add_action('acf/save_post', 'unattach_media', 1);