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  • yep, its a custom theme and this is the part where i have to add the short_description custom field

    <?php global $post, $swp_bread_status_blog, $swp_postmeta_status_blog,$swp_colsidemasonrywidth,$swp_colnosidemasonrywidth,$swp_colsidemasonrywidth_tablet, $swp_colnosidemasonrywidth_tablet, $swp_colspan, $swp_colspanmeta, $swp_leadingposts, $swp_leadingcolspan, $swp_post_wordlimit_blog, $swp_responsive; ?>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-7'); ?>
    <div class="post nocolsidepost"><div class="posttop"></div><div class="postinner-h1">
    <h1><?php echo single_cat_title(); ?> günstig online kaufen!</h1>
    <div id="masonthis">
    <?php $swp_count=1; ?>
    <div role="main" itemprop="mainContentOfPage">
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php get_ts_colspan(); if ($swp_count <= $swp_leadingposts) {$swp_colspan = $swp_leadingcolspan;} else if ($swp_colspanmeta != "" ) {$swp_colspan = $swp_colspanmeta;} else {$swp_colspan = 1;} ?>
    <?php get_theme_div( 'post', 'top', $sidebar, $cols ); ?>
    <?php $wpaztemplate = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wpaztemplate', true);
    if ($wpaztemplate=="No Template" || $wpaztemplate=="") {
    if ($swp_post_wordlimit_blog!='0'){ $teaser = true; } else { $teaser = false; } ?>
    <article role="article" itemscope itemtype="">
    <?php get_theme_piece ( 'posttitle' ); ?>
    <?php if ( $swp_postmeta_status_blog=="Show"){ get_theme_piece( 'postinfo' ); } ?>
    <?php get_theme_piece( 'featuredimage' ); ?>
    <div itemprop="articleBody"><?php if ($teaser){ echo teaser($swp_post_wordlimit_blog); } else { the_content(''); } ?></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php get_theme_piece( 'postinfotwo', '', $swp_postmeta_status_blog, $teaser ); ?>
    <?php } else {
    $wpaz_word_count = get_theme_mod( 'wpaz_word_count_side', '250'); if ($wpaz_word_count!='' && $wpaz_word_count!=0){ $teaser = true; } else { $teaser = false; } ?>
    <section role="article" itemscope itemtype="">
    <?php get_theme_piece ( 'posttitle' ); ?>
    <?php get_custom_theme_piece( 'featuredimage', 'productblog', $sidebar, $swp_colspan ); ?>
    <div class="proddesc" itemprop="description"><?php if ($teaser){ echo teaser($wpaz_word_count); } else { the_content(''); } ?></div>
    <?php $wpaz_showstars = get_theme_mod( 'wpaz_showstars', 'No'); if ($wpaz_showstars=="Yes"){ ?><div class="reviewscorewrap"><?php get_custom_theme_piece( 'reviewscore' ); ?></div><?php } ?>
    <?php get_custom_theme_piece( 'product-box', 'small' ); ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php get_theme_div( 'post', 'bottom' ); ?>
    <?php $swp_count++; endwhile; else: ?>
    <?php get_theme_piece( '404content' ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($cols == 'col') { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    <?php if (!$swp_responsive) { ?>	
    	columnWidth: <?php echo ${"swp_col".$sidebar."masonrywidth"}; ?>,
    	itemSelector: '.post' 
    <?php } else { ?>
    fw = jQuery('.fullscreen').width();
    if (fw > 960){
    	columnWidth: <?php echo ${"swp_col".$sidebar."masonrywidth"}; ?>,
    	itemSelector: '.post' 
    } else if (fw < 960 && fw > 751){
    	columnWidth: <?php echo ${"swp_col".$sidebar."masonrywidth_tablet"}; ?>,
    	itemSelector: '.post' 
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php get_theme_piece( 'blogtitle', '', $sidebar, 'nocol' ); ?>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-8'); ?>