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  • Workaround for anyone experiencing the same problem: hook to the ‘acf/save_post’ action and use update_post_meta() to duplicate the latitude and longitude data to hidden meta fields, enabling a custom query to be crafted to return posts by distance:

    `function location_search($latitude, $longitude, $maxdistance = 5) {
    global $wpdb;
    $query = “SELECT wp_posts.post_title as post_title,
    wp_posts.ID as post_id,
    latitude.meta_value as latitude,
    longitude.meta_value as longitude,
    ( 3959 * acos(
    cos( radians( $latitude ) ) *
    cos( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) ) *
    cos( radians( CONVERT( longitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) – radians( $longitude ) ) +
    sin( radians( $latitude ) ) * sin( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) )
    ) ) AS distance
    FROM wp_postmeta as latitude, wp_postmeta as longitude,
    WHERE (wp_posts.ID = latitude.post_id
    AND latitude.meta_key = ‘_latitude’ )
    AND (wp_posts.ID = longitude.post_id
    AND longitude.meta_key = ‘_longitude’ )
    HAVING distance < $maxdistance
    ORDER BY distance ASC”;
    return $query;