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  • I feel so dumb right now. The answer was beyond simple. All I had to do was call the field using $testimonialsections['stars'];:

    Full answer (sorry that my indenting gets all screwy when I paste it in here):

                           // using normal array
                           $testimonialsections = get_field('testimonial_section');
    					   $yelp_url = get_field('yelp_url', 'options');
                               foreach($testimonialsections as $testimonialsection)
                                   echo '<div class="inner-test row">
    										<div class="col-md-12">
    											<p><span style="font-weight:bold">' .$testimonialsection['testimonial_author'].'</span><br/>' .$testimonialsection['stars'].'</p>
    										<div class="col-md-12">
    											' .$testimonialsection['testimonial'].'
    											<a href="'.$yelp_url.'" target="_blank">View More on Yelp!</a>