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  • @davelee – Personally, I’m Ok with a “page builder” that uses shortcodes to generate / organize content, just as long as I don’t have to put the shortcodes in by hand. I’m trying to think from my client’s perspective (no programming skills, or nunchuck skills… JK).

    I’ve tested:

    • Azexo Composer
    • BoxBuilder (not yet released)
    • Unyson Page Builder
    • Visual Composer

    So far, BoxBuilder and Unyson are the best. They only give me / my client what’s truly needed, and don’t offer too many unnecessary, confusing, and possibly design-destroying features such as border style options and font choices (never give those options to a client! Given the opportunity, they will ruin the design and the readability of their own site and not even realize it!). Right now, I’m leaning toward BoxBuilder, but it hasn’t been released yet.