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  • Hi Elliot & drs-nyc,

    I did try to use the acf_get_field_groups() function to check if the field group exist it did work fine and it will check if the field is existing or not, but it will cause register_field_group() function not to work or it will skip/it will not load the field group. Also I did try your suggestion to add the acf_disable_local() function still not working.

    Please see code below.

    class helper{
    //helper function
     public static function is_field_group_exists($value, $type='title') {
            $exists = false;
            if ($field_groups = acf_get_field_groups()) {
                foreach ($field_groups as $field_group) {
                    if ($field_group[$type] == $value) {
                        $exists = true;
            return $exists;
    if (!helper::is_field_group_exists('Field Group Title')) :
    // load acf exported php
            require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/' . $acf_version . '/acf-field-group-exported.php');