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  • This code is going on a members listing page which is calling in information frm individual member pages. Here’s the only unique code on my members_directory.php file.

    						$posts = get_posts(array(
    							'numberposts' => -1,
    							'post_type' => 'library',
    							'orderby'     => 'title',
    							'order'     => 'asc',
    								foreach($posts as $post)
    								echo '<table class="members">';
    								echo '<thead>';
    								echo '</thead>';
    								echo '<tbody>';
    									echo '<tr>';
    										echo '<td colspan="3">';
    											echo '<h2><a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</a></h2>';
    										echo '</td>';
    									echo '</tr>';
    									echo '<tr>';
    										echo '<td colspan="3">';
    											echo '<strong>Parent Organization:</strong>' . ' ';
    											echo the_field('parent_organization');
    											echo '<br />';
    										echo '</td>';	
    									echo '</tr>';
    									echo '<td colspan="3">';
    											echo '<strong>Address:</strong>' . ' ';
    											echo the_field('address');
    											echo '<br />';
    											echo '</td>';
    										echo '</tr>';
    									echo '<tr>';
    										echo '<td>';
    											echo '<strong>Contact:</strong>' . ' ';
    											echo the_field('contact_name');
    											echo '<br />';
    										echo '</td>';
    										echo '<td colspan="1">';
    											echo '<i class="fa fa-phone"></i>' . ' ';
    											echo the_field('contact_phone');
    											echo '<br />';
    										echo '</td>';
    										echo '<td colspan="1">';
    											echo '<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>' . ' ';
    											echo the_field('contact_email');
    											echo '<br />';
    										echo '</td>';
    										echo '<tr>';
    									echo '</tr>';
    								echo '</tbody>';
    							echo '</table>';