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  • Just for a future example, because I found this on a search, the latest Elementor is really having major issues with the Link field in ACF — and if you are creating something for your clients Link is way better than URL ( url meaning the client would have to hard enter the correct url address ).

    As stated earlier you’ll have to write a shortcode function in your theme ( function.php )…and then, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if the native shortcode link function works ( [acf field='my_link'] doesn’t work ).

    Something like this:

    function get_acf_link_url($atts) {
        $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
            'field' => '',
        ), $atts);
        $url = get_field($atts['field']);
        return "<a href='" . esc_url($url) . "'>" . esc_html($url) . "</a>";
    add_shortcode('acf_link_url', 'get_acf_link_url');

    And then create a html snippet ( not a Heading or a Text Field ):

    <a href="[acf_link_url field='my_link']">Link</a>