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  • Thank you @hube2. I noticed this indeed makes my forms work. Also, if I have a wysiwyg field and I get it like the_sub_field it will work without errors but only if I don’t have any formatting. As soon as I actively align the text left, right or justify i get errors like below. If I call the field with echo get_sub_field these errors don’t show up:

    Detected Potentially Unsafe HTML Modification
    #0 /home/client1/web/ print_backtrace_for_unsafe_html_removal('...', '...', Array, false)
    #1 /home/client1/web/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #2 /home/client1/web/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #3 /home/client1/web/ do_action('...', '...', '...', Array, false)
    #4 /home/client1/web/ the_sub_field('...')
    #5 /home/client1/web/ include('...')
    #6 /home/client1/web/ require_once('...')
    #7 /home/client1/web/ require('...')

    Can I expect any impact on performance when calling all fields with echo get_field / echo get_sub_field?