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  • Given the information provided, if I was building something like this I would not be using a repeater to list all of the shops in a mall. I would:

    Have a CPT for Malls, each mall would be a different post in this post type

    Have a CPT for the stores/shops/whatever you want to call it. Each store would have it’s own post.

    There would be a one-to-many bidirectional relationship between the mall and the stores. A post object field on the store post to select the mall and a relationship field on the mall post to select the stores in that mall. I would use my plugin to create this bidirectional relationship because it is beyond what the ACF relationship field can do.

    I would have a custom taxonomy for selecting the type of store/shop/whatever

    I would have a value in the store to indicate what floor the store is on.

    If the same operator can be located in multiple malls I would also have a custom post type for this with a one-to-many relationship between the operator and store post types.

    Because you are using Elementor, I would be using Elementor Pro’s theme builder and/or templates to build the templates for showing pages on this site. Using the post widget using a custom query to show the archive pages of of the various post types.