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  • Hey all,

    I can’t seem to get the solution from @bigdropgr to work. I have an CSV with four columns (store, name, scm, points), a repeater named ‘leaderboard’ with subfields named ‘store’, ‘name’, ‘scm’ and ‘points’. I set up dummy custom fields as suggested by @bigdropgr and mapped them to the fields in the CSV (screenshot). Then I pasted this into the function editor:

    add_action( 'pmxi_saved_post', 'soflyy_add_data', 10, 3 );
    function soflyy_add_data( $id, $xml, $update ) {
      $selector = 'leaderboard'; // Parent field name
      $subfield1 = 'store'; // The repeating field you want to add the first value to
      $subfield2 = 'name'; // The repeating field you want to add the second value to
      $subfield3 = 'scm'; // The repeating field you want to add the third value to
      $subfield4 = 'points'; // The repeating field you want to add the forth value to
      if ( $value1 = get_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_store', true )) {
    	$value2 = get_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_name', true );
    	$value3 = get_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_scm', true );
    	$value4 = get_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_points', true );
        $row = array( $subfield1 => $value1, $subfield2 => $value2, $subfield3 => $value3, $subfield4 => $value4 );
        add_row( $selector, $row, $id );
      delete_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_store' );
      delete_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_name' );
      delete_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_scm' );
      delete_post_meta( $id, 'my_repeater_data_points' );

    I am using the Advanced Custom Fields Add-on, but from what I understand, I don’t need to set anything here since it’s being handled in the Custom Fields area. In the settings area, I’m just updating the ‘leadership’ custom field (screenshot). I’m trying to get this import to populate a repeater on a Page. But it seems to be failing somewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! Also including this snippet from the import log as it may be helpful.

    [03:53:16] UPDATINGLeaderboardPage`
    [03:53:16] Associate post Leaderboard with current import …
    [03:53:16] CUSTOM FIELDS:
    [03:53:16] ACF ADD-ON:
    [03:53:16] – Custom field my_repeater_data_store is not set to be updated in import settings, skipping …
    [03:53:16] – Custom field my_repeater_data_name is not set to be updated in import settings, skipping …
    [03:53:16] – Custom field my_repeater_data_scm is not set to be updated in import settings, skipping …
    [03:53:16] – Custom field my_repeater_data_points is not set to be updated in import settings, skipping …
    [03:53:16] IMAGES:
    [03:53:16] UPDATED Leaderboard Page (ID: 17)
    [03:53:16] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
    [03:53:16] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
    [03:53:16] —`