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  • Update. My bad about the strpos() !== -1. Instead, those should be strpos() !== FALSE. Also, I was finding errors on some other jQuery-heavy admin pages, so I added a javascript check for the ‘.acf-color_picker’ element. Here’s my revised code:

    function load_javascript_on_admin_edit_post_page() {
    	global $parent_file;
      // If we're on the edit post page.
    	if (
    	  strpos($parent_file, 'post-new.php') !== FALSE ||
    	  strpos($parent_file, 'edit.php') !== FALSE ||
    	  strpos($parent_file, 'post.php') !== FALSE
    	) {
    		echo "
    			if ($('.acf-color_picker').length) {
    			  palettes: ['#e40571', '#4b63a4', '#ffcb05', '#fff', '#000'],
    			  change: function(event, ui){
    				$(this).parents('.wp-picker-container').find('.wp-color-result').css('background-color', ui.color.toString());
    add_action('in_admin_footer', 'load_javascript_on_admin_edit_post_page');