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  • Hi John,
    I figured out why it was not working.
    In your suggestion:

    if (get_field('your_field_name') != $last_value) {
            // ourput heading for next section
            // your code here
            // set last value to this value
            $last_value = get_field('your_field_name');

    the data you get from get_field('your_field_name') is the data you get from the first item in the database, not the data from the query. In my case it was always ‘3’.
    I rewrote the entire loop, and now it looks like this:

    // Get the values from the radio buttons from the ACF object
    $all_names = get_field_object('medewerker_werkzaam_bij');
    // Get the choices from those radiobuttons and put them in an array
    $all_label_names = $all_names['choices'];
    // Count the number of items in the array to use in the 'For' loop. Because a loop starts with '0', decrease the value in the variable with 1				
    $num_labels = count($all_label_names)-1;
    for ( $my_label = 0; $my_label <= $num_labels; $my_label++ ){
    $all_query = new WP_Query(array(
    'post_type'			=> 'collegas',
    'posts_per_page'    => -1,
    'meta_query' 		=> array (
    'label' 	=> array (
    'key' 	=> 'medewerker_werkzaam_bij',
    'value' => $my_label,
    'persoon' 	=> array (
    'key' 	=> 'medewerker_achternaam',
    'orderby'			=> array (
    'label' 	=> 'ASC',
    'persoon'	=> 'ASC',
    if ( $all_query->have_posts() ) {
    $my_label_name = $all_label_names[$my_label];
    <h2 id="<?php echo $my_label_name; ?>" class="<?php echo $my_label_name;?>"><?php echo $my_label_name;?></h2>
    <div class="<?php echo $column_class; ?>">
    	while ( $all_query->have_posts() ) {
    		get_template_part( 'loop-templates/content-collegas', get_post_format() );
    		} else {
    			get_template_part( 'loop-templates/content', 'none' );

    And now I have exactly what I was looking for.
    Thanks for replying and moving me in the right direction.