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  • The URL will only take a web page URL and there isn’t a way to alter this.

    I use the following to add a setting to use text field an validate

      add_action('acf/render_field_validation_settings/type=text', 'validate_text_as_href_setting');
      add_action('acf/validate_value/type=text', 'validate_text_as_href', 10, 4);
      function validate_text_as_href_setting($field) {
        // this adds a setting to text fields
        // setting it to true will require that the content of the fields
        // meets requirements to be used as a link href value
        $args = array(
          'label' => 'Validate as HREF',
          'instructions' => 'Require a valid href attribute. This includes values starting with: http://, https://, ftp://, mailto:, tel:, sms:, /, and #',
          'type' => 'true_false',
          'name' => 'validate_href',
          'ui' => 1,
          'class' => ''
        acf_render_field_setting($field, $args);
      function validate_text_as_href($valid, $value, $field, $input) {
        // if the setting created by validate_text_as_href_setting
        // is true than this filter will test input to ensure it can
        // be used in as a link href value
        // this allows links starting with
        // / (site root relative), http://, https://, ftp://, # (anchor), mailto:, tel:, sms:
        if (!$valid) {
          return $valid;
        // does setting exist and is it set
        if (!empty($field['validate_href'])) {
          // only validate if value submitted (use acf required setting to require value)
          if (!empty($value)) {
            // allow anything that looks like a valid href value
            if (!preg_match('%^(https?\://|ftp\://|/|#|mailto\:|sms\:|tel\:)%', $value)) {
              $valid = 'Enter a Valid Link HREF Value';
        return $valid;