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  • I solved it, I just had to add a counter in the array( value[“here”] ), so that if, lets say, I wanna modify the information of the 1st row, then id put something like this:

    $counter = 0;
    $value[$counter] = array("fecha" => $fech4, 
    									 "saldo" => $sal14,
    									 "inversion_en_el_periodo" => $ielp4,
    									 "interes_causado_en_el_periodo" => $icelp4,
    									 "cantidad_pagada" => $cp4,
    									 "cantidad_reinvertida" => $cr,
    									 "saldo_final" => $sf4,);
    					update_field( $field_key, $value, $post_id );

    and then keep looping it around