

Home Forums General Issues how to use ACF Post types to refine woocommerce product searches in Avada Reply To: how to use ACF Post types to refine woocommerce product searches in Avada

  • I didnt understand your reply.

    I can already search any of those advanced custom fields set up the the ACF Pro plugin in the main search on wordpress. This was achieved by setting up the fields and setting the taxonomy as Product Visibility and then installing the plugin: “ACF: Better Search”

    So in one of the ACF fields I have dates, if I enter a date from one of those fields in the main search it will find the product that has that date in the ACF field.

    I now wish to refine that search to be able to check for searches that also match the search keyword plus the advance custom fields that I set up.

    Avada Support told me that it was possible with your plugin:
    “Every search parameter like category/tags has to be a taxonomy. For this to work, you will need to add custom taxonomies via a plugin like ACF”

    But they dont offer support in how to do it, which is why im asking here