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  • I had the same problem of my block JS file not loading when adding it this way. If you have wp_debug enabled you’ll probably see this notice which will show the name of the .asset.php file it’s expecting:

    “Function register_block_script_handle was called incorrectly…”.

    However, using this ACF forum post to start, I found how to load scripts via file name in blocks.json. Which is great as I understand it’s the better way to do it (now that it’s possible) instead of what Bill Erickson’s tutorial shows.

    So @spinline since you are loading a JS file named custom.js you’d need to add in the same folder a file named custom.asset.php. In this file you can include the handle name, dependencies, and version number. Or you can leave them to be default generated. My js-file-name.asset.php looks like this:

      return array(
        'dependencies' => array(
        'version'      => '1.0',

    To read more about this, check out the WPDefinedAsset section in the Block Editor Handbook.