

Home Forums Front-end Issues How do you create post_title from another field(s) in ACF Pro? Reply To: How do you create post_title from another field(s) in ACF Pro?

  • I am also having issues with the ‘post_title’ attribute when creating a new post. It isn’t working at all for me, when using all the documentation I see online.

    None of these work:

    'post_title'	=> $_POST['fields']['field_53dd8f9f80dad'], // NO
    'post_title'  => $_POST['acf']['field_53dd8f9f80dad'], // NO
    'post_title'  => $_POST['field_53dd8f9f80dad'], // NO
    'post_title'  => $_POST['acf-field_53dd8f9f80dad'], // NO