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  • Hello John,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I just implemented a job and filter to remove these values from the DB (experimental), as we don’t use ACF methods for rendering, only for the backend masks. Looks good so far…

    use some more smart way to find the field type

    I’m sure this should be possible. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    The same rules, that render a meta box in the backend, could apply to finding the correct field type for a DB meta_key.

    Even if ACF supports the same meta_key with different types, there still only can be one of these used per DB post.

    I.e. you can not create a

    • Field: my_field as “numeric” for post and
    • Field: my_field as “email” for post at the same time

    ACF allows this, but WordPress post_meta architecture not… one field just replaces the other