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  • I’m using the code above to create a post with a custom ACF block.

    When I’m adding Block from the panel, then it produces code:

    <!-- wp:acf/pd-text {"name":"acf/pd-text","data":{"field_62d53c8533fbd":"Example title","field_62d53c8533fc5":"Paragraph number one.\r\n\r\nparagraph number two\r\nLine two - paragraph two.\r\n\r\nLine number three.","field_63beb8efe0d5c":"","field_630f632a63aec":"2"},"mode":"edit"} /-->

    When I’m using a function above I have got:

    <!-- wp:acf/pd-text {"name":"acf\/pd-text","data":{"_block_pd-text_columns_in_row":"field_0b8c83bd4bf105c587e3339b7c503995","columns_in_row":"2","_block_pd-text_pd_block_id":"field_370af7474f47f5784d40f48cb2c1a98e","pd_block_id":"","_block_pd-text_title":"field_f33613f99ddfaa923467cbfb44bd66fd","title":"Example title","_block_pd-text_main_text":"field_15dfd2aadd23db2d876eb81842ad1b76","main_text":"Paragraph number one.\n \n paragraph number two\n Line two - paragraph two.\n \n Line number three."},"mode":"edit"} /-->

    My generated code on the front not displaying new lines and also not creating HTML tags.

    As you can see also md5() fields are incorrect, any idea what I’m doing wrong?

    Code to generate JSON:

            $acfOutput = '';
            $acfFields = [];
            $blockName = 'pd-text';
            $fieldData = [
                'columns_in_row' => '2',
                'pd_block_id' => '',
                'title' => 'Example title',
                'main_text' => 'Paragraph number one.
              paragraph number two
              Line two - paragraph two.
              Line number three.'
                foreach($fieldData as $fieldKey => $fieldVal) {
                    $key = 'block_' . $blockName . '_' . $fieldKey;
                    $acfFields['_' . $key] = 'field_' . md5($key);
                    $acfFields[$fieldKey] = $fieldVal;
                $json = [
                    'name' => 'acf/' . $blockName,
                    'data' => $acfFields,
                    'mode' => 'edit'
                $fields = json_encode($json);
                $acfOutput = <<<ACFJSON
                <!-- wp:acf/$blockName $fields /-->