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  • So looking at the javascript api I have this that works (not what I want):

    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', function(){
            acf.addFilter('wysiwyg_tinymce_settings', function( mceInit, id, field ){
    			//if( field.get('data-toolbar') !== 'event_basic' ) {
                if(field.get('key') !== 'field_63f8196bb4c98'){
                    return mceInit;
                mceInit.block_formats = 'Paragraph=p;Heading 4=h4';
                return mceInit;

    The item blocked out is one part I want to work, it works on all wysiwyg not the type of that is needed:

    //if( field.get('data-toolbar') !== 'event_basic' ) {