

Home Forums Add-ons Repeater Field Repeater's Big Problem :((( , Please read it!! – thanks a lot ^^ Reply To: Repeater's Big Problem :((( , Please read it!! – thanks a lot ^^

  • I really appreciate your detailed answer for me.

    People who had the same question certainly had the correct answer for them.
    But I’m a fool in faraway Korea, please forgive me for that ^^!

    So I want to ask you one last question, and I won’t bother you again. So that I can be sure that I understand correctly.

    {According to your explanation: I can understand that I can still use the same Subfield Names – in Groups and Repeating Senior Fields provided these Parent Fields are named Unique. best???}

    And is this allowed and legal in ACF?

    The display errors you’re warning about, are only encountered when using with Elementor right? (Actually I’m also getting an error about not showing the same subfield names on the same page on Elementor, but when selecting the correct parent field, then selecting the child field name, even though it’s in the other high level, it still shows properly: Specifically 1 Subfield named Image located in 3 Repeated fields A, B and C, but when I search, it shows only 1 subfield named Image in the field high-level group C. But when selecting the Parent Group Field as A, then selecting the Image link in the group C field, it still returns the correct result as the image of the Image subfield in group A)

    And so, in essence, using the same Subfield Names in the Group and Repeat top-level fields, is correct and correct with the ACF stipulation? the errors shown above are encountered only when combined with Elementor?

    With my many long and stupid questions. You can simply answer YES or NO! ^^
    Although I am still confused and would like your advice should I decide to use the same and simple Subfield Names for many other subfields or should I prefix the subfields so that they are unique and avoid the possible error as you warned.

    Because having to prefix the child field names of all groups and repeating parent fields would become very complicated for me. (Since my project is very large and has many SCHOOL GROUPS), even adding prefixes to subfields will still result in the same name as other subfields in other Field Groups. And if it is required to include more layers of prefixes like: prefix1_prefix2_prefix3_subfields to create uniqueness for subfields, that would be a real nightmare for me 🙁 – because it would get very long and feels like it’s the wrong way:
    For example, 1 repeating parent field named Homepage_Gallery and 1 subfield Homepage_Gallery_Image (And when I search for the Image subfield on Elementor it will be the string Homepage_Gallery_Homepage_Gallery_Image – it gets very complicated and elusive, though in the reality I’ve encountered will have many layers of lower-level subfields and their string visualizations to be complicated and nightmarish…)

    I may be fired if I don’t solve this most correct subfield name selection, please help me 🙁 🙁 🙁

    Looking forward to receiving your comment or reply YES or NO.
    Thank you for listening and wish you all the best, kind person!!