

Home Forums General Issues Many of the same clone in another set of fields Reply To: Many of the same clone in another set of fields

  • No, what I am saying is that you need to treat the testimonials clone as a group. There is a difference when you use this layout in the clone field.

    This is your code

    if (have_rows('testimonials')) {
    	while (have_rows('testimonials')) {
    	    echo get_sub_field('title');

    With the group layout on the clone your code should look something like this

    if (have_rows('testimonials')) {
      while (have_rows('testimonials')) {
        // add loop for clone field
        // this will be an issue because your clone field has the same name as it's parent
        // you will need to change the field name
        if (have_rows('testimonials')) {
          while (have_rows('testimonials')) {
            echo get_sub_field('title');