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  • The hook acf.addAction('select2_init', function( $select, args, settings, field ){ is perfect and it would allow me to assign the correct language settings to all fields by using args['language'] = 'xx'; and by integrating this

    $.fn.select2.amd.define('select2/i18n/xx',[],function () {
      return {
        errorLoading: function () {
          return acf.__('the results could not be loaded.');
        inputTooLong: function (args) {
          var overChars = args.input.length - args.maximum;
          var message = acf.__('please delete') + ' ' + overChars + ' ' + acf.__('character');
          if (overChars != 1) {
            message += 's';
          return message;
        inputTooShort: function (args) {
          var remainingChars = args.minimum - args.input.length;
          var message = acf.__('please enter') + ' ' + remainingChars + ' ' + acf.__('or more characters');
          return message;
        loadingMore: function () {
          return acf.__('loading more results…');
        maximumSelected: function (args) {
          var message = acf.__('you can only select') + ' ' + args.maximum + ' ' + acf.__('item');
          if (args.maximum != 1) {
            message += 's';
          return message;
        noResults: function () {
          return acf.__('no results found');
        searching: function () {
          return acf.__('searching...');
        removeAllItems: function () {
          return acf.__('remove all items');
        removeItem: function () {
          return acf.__('remove item');
        search: function() {
          return acf.__('search');

    but the new problem is that now all select2 fields have more hight than before – it seems that they lost the styling…….