

Home Forums Bug Reports 6.0.2 Breaks $image = get_field inside a post call. Reply To: 6.0.2 Breaks $image = get_field inside a post call.

  • Ok I think I’ve got it John, it was puzzling me too.

    It seems to be an export issue for img fields inside repeaters.

    Exporting from one WordPress to a local build.
    Same WordPress versions.

    The image fields break when:

    Exporting in V6.0.2 to V5.11.
    Exporting in V6.0.2 to V6.0.2.

    I can Export from V6.0.2 into another V6.0.2 then delete the IMG fields only and manually re-add them. This solves the problem.

    This issue happens on two different website for me.

    Now that I have a solve it doesn’t bother me. I’m sure if you can’t re-create the issue it will be hard to fix.