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  • Thank you for information, i have more questions now:
    How i can querry and loop over all woocommerce products in functions.php?

    I created cronjob, made it run one time per day:

    add_action( 'triname_datas', 'triname_datas_func' );
    function triname_datas_func() {
      $today = date('Y-m-d');
      $repeater = get_field('pasirinkti_datas');
    // $repeater is an array of rows
    $count = count($repeater);
    for ($row=$count; $row>0; $row--) {
      if (get_sub_field('keliones_datos', $repeater) >= $today) {
        delete_row('pasirinkti_datas', $row);

    But it is not working, i need to query and loop through products.