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  • ACF removes attributes added directly to the normal attribute scope. I’m guessing it happens if it isn’t created in the field group.

    Below code adds the attribute blockId to the data scope of the block, so instead og getting from $block['blockId']you can use $block['data']['blockId']

    Hook is wp_insert_post_data

    You can probably do without the placeholder array, but I kept for debugging purposes.

    add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', function ( $data, $postarr ) {
    	// Blocks to add attribute
    	$blocks_check 	= ['acf/my-block-name','core/paragraph', 'core/heading'];
    	// Get saved page blocks
    	$blocks_data 	= parse_blocks( wp_unslash( $data['post_content'] ) );
    	// Placeholder array
    	$blocks_changed = array();
    	// Loop through blocks
    	foreach ( $blocks_data as $block ) {
    		// Check if block is in array of blocks to add attribute
    		if (!isset($block['blockName']) || !in_array($block['blockName'], $blocks_check)) {
    			$blocks_changed[] = $block;
    		// Add attributes
    		$block_changed = $block;
    		$block_changed['attrs']['data']['blockId'] = ( !empty( $block['attrs']['data']['blockId'] ) ? $block['attrs']['data']['blockId'] : 'id_' . uniqid() );
    		$blocks_changed[] = $block_changed;
    	//Add to error log
    	//error_log( print_r( $blocks_changed, true ) );
    	// Update post content
    	$data['post_content'] = serialize_blocks( $blocks_changed );
    	// Return data
    	return $data;
    }, 99, 2);