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  • m401, I am not a “troll” and you ? Your comment is 100 % useless, just a propaganda…

    Anyway, it is not because a plugin is number 1 (in free version) than I cannot have the right to ask features for PAID version as client!

    People who post here to attack me, did you paid 100 $ us like me ? Because if you are just followers of the FREE plugin, just GTH

    And it is just a plugin, not a CULT, my right to ask features, even I am wrong…

    And take time to read before write… I don’t ask “visual editor”, was example, I ask if possible to avoid write code php, so example: you create your custom field and plugin put auto the php code!

    Perhaps I don’t have any skills in code, but some coders must go back to school or go out in real life time to time…
