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  • Hello I would like to point out that after updating to the latest version of ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ we have experienced an excessive increase of memory usage by Apache PHP-FPM and by the database which has significantly slowed down our website. We’re not entirely sure it comes from ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ alone. But I created the log of the slow queries of the database and in all the slower ones they contain the term “acf-disabled” and they are like ‘SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT posts.ID FROM posts LEFT JOIN term_relationships estr ON (posts.ID = estr.object_id) LEFT JOIN term_taxonomy estt ON (estr.term_taxonomy_id = estt.term_taxonomy_id) LEFT JOIN terms est ON (estt.term_id = est.term_id) LEFT JOIN users esusers ON (posts.post_author = esusers.ID) WHERE 1 = 1 AND … and then contain (posts.post_type = ‘xxxxx’ AND (posts.post_status = ‘publish’ OR ales_posts.post_status = ‘acf-disabled’). We have a very large database that weighs over 1gb with over 100,000 rows in the post table and about 20,000 lines in the terms table. We run wordpress under CentOS 8 with PHP 7.4.29 and MariaDB 10.4.15.

    graph memory

    Here you can see the graph of the exponential increase in resources. The update of ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ was done on April 9th ​​along with that of WP and other plugins. Last night I worked on improving the situation but surely the website is still very slow.

    Thanks Marco