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  • Hey guys.

    Thanks for the thread. I do agree with what you have raised, and don’t like the idea that I am forcing people to upgrade to the dev license but my reason for doing so was to make it fair between people who had purchased 1 add-on, and people who had purchased multiple. Kind of like a dollar for dollar freebee.

    I guess, the positives are that you will always have the repeater field add-on to use with ACF4, and you can download the ACF PRO files as many times as you like, if you want to use it on multiple sites (perhaps could prevent clients from upgrading and causing issues)?

    I hope you guys don’t hate me for the new ACF PRO change. It might seem annoying at the moment, but trust me, ACF PRO is going to grow and get even more amazing over the next few months.

    .smutek – sorry for the cart issues. Just upgraded the server and all is humming nicely.
