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  • A solution I came up for this is to add a class to the field and then use CSS to hide the edit/action buttons. e.g.

    add_filter( 'acf/prepare_field', 'marc_acf_prepare_field');
    function marc_acf_prepare_field($field){
        $screen = get_current_screen();
        // If we are editing a page in the admin
        if (is_admin() && $screen->parent_base == 'edit'){
            if (Whatever your condition for disabling the field is)
                    $field['disabled'] = true;
                    $field['readonly'] = true;
                    $field['wrapper']['class'] .= ' custom-class-disabled-field';
        return $field;
    .custom-class-disabled-field .acf-actions{
        display:none !important;