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  • So for brevity sake, I didn’t want to post every permutation of code that I tried. But taking a second look through them I realized I had some arguments out of order on one and it now seems to work. This will essentially “shift” the first layout (row?) off of the flex component:

    delete_row('community_flex_components', 1, 999)

    So given the warning about running delete_row() inside of have_rows loop, is the following an effective way to properly empty a flex component?

    $length = count(get_field('community_flex_components', 999));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        delete_row('community_flex_components', 1, 999);

    It seems kind of ugly but I’m not immediately clear of any other way to do it. Appreciate any tips or insight.