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  • A field group is a post in the CPT acf-field-group

    A field is a post in the CPT acf-field. The parent post of this post it acf-field-group post that it is attached to.

    Every field has 2 entries in the db, assuming the field name “field”
    There is an entry with the meta_key “field” that contains the data and an entry with the meta_key “_field” and this contains the field key reference for this field.

    For a repeater field the entry for “field” is the number of rows in the repeater.

    Each sub field of each row has its own 2 entries. The meta key for each sub field is
    “{repeater_field_name}_{row_index}_{sub_field_name}” which has a corresponding field key reference stored at “_{repeater_field_name}_{row_index}_{sub_field_name}”