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  • Hi @john
    Thanks for quick super informative answer.
    I did follow the code… upon upadte_field(‘table’,…) ACF simply updates: rewrites
    the table – RENUMBER rows: 1..count(new table).
    Thus, all remaining rows can be deleted.
    Clearly, delete the table prior to update is redundant.

    The algorithm is clear.
    My next test will be with (my) “large” tables – to detect whether there is a timeout.

    BUT, A simple potential optimization on line 844 can be:
    Only if (new_row != old_row)
    Perform $this->update_row( $row, $i, $field, $post_id );

    And you can go even further, treating the case of row renumbering.
    Currently, even row number change will result with compete row rewrite.

    Am I missing something?