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  • ok, I found a really janky way to do this, but it works. Open to ideas for improvements:

    In JS you can use the blocks.registerBlockType filter to add a getEditWrapperProps function to all blocks (or just the ones you need). Ex:

        function ( settings, name ) {
            return lodash.assign( {}, settings, {
                getEditWrapperProps: (props) => {
                    return {'data-acfid':}

    Then in my renderBlock function I have something like this:

    $previewStyles = "";
    if($isPreview) {
        $previewStyles = "<style>#editor .wp-block[data-acfid='{$acf['id']}'] {{$styles}}</style>";
        $styles = "";
    $preBlock = $this->filter("Block/$slug/start", "<{$tag} class='aesir-builder__block {$slug} {$classes}' style='{$styles}'>\n{$previewStyles}", $block, $classes, $styles, $previewStyles, $slug, $tag, $content, $isPreview, $postID);

    That’s boilerplate wrapped around all my blocks, so I provide $styles from a class that defines my block, and it gets translated into either inline styles for frontend, or a style tag for the editor.

    I hate everything about this, but at least it’s kinda working.