

Home Forums General Issues version 5.11 removed alignment classes from blocks Reply To: version 5.11 removed alignment classes from blocks

  • Just wanted to chime in and say I had the same problem and downgraded to 5.10 for the time being. For me it wasn’t alignment but background colors which my theme heavily uses and which aren’t reflected in block classes anymore since 5.11.

    Block supports are as follows

    'color' => [
    	'background' => true,

    Code for the block classes on custom blocks

    $classes = ['%block_class_name%'];
    if (!empty($block['className'])) {
    	$classes = array_merge($classes, explode(' ', $block['className']));

    Then code inbetween that may or may not add classes with array_push($classes) and finally something like
    <div class="<?= esc_attr(join(' ', $classes)); ?>">

    Only custom classes are still added, everything else is missing and returns NULL.