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  • Hi @websteem

    Looking at your video, it seems you’re using a child theme (Handmade Child Theme) but then update Handmade: functions.php not Handmade Child Theme: functions.php

    So that could be the first issue.

    Try adding the code there instead. If it still doesn’t work, switch to the default twenty-twentyone theme and add the below to functions.php:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_main_content', 'my_extra_description' );
    function my_extra_description() {
    	global $wp_query;
    	# get the query object
    	$category = $wp_query->get_queried_object();	
    	#get the cat ID
    	$category_ID  = $category->term_id;
    	echo '<p>Can we see this? Is '.$category_ID.' the right ID for this category?</p>'; #remove after debug
    	#get the field
    	$contenu_categorie = get_field( 'contenu_categorie', 'category_'.$category_ID );
    	#if we have data, show it
    	if( $contenu_categorie ){
    		echo $contenu_categorie;

    At the very least, when you go to your shop category page, it should show ‘Can we see this? Is…’

    Then perhaps you have an issue with your theme!