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  • Just tried this and confirm it’s the hook you’re using.

    If you switch to the below hook, you should see the message displayed whether an item is in or out of stock:

    function add_content_after_short_description($description){
    	$text = "This will be displayed after the short des but before the add to basket";
    	return $description.$text;

    So in theory, you can then start to add your fields back in:

    function add_content_after_short_description($description){
    	#$text = "This will be displayed after the short des but before the add to basket"; #debug so remove
    	$field = get_field_object('field_6155c03d20d5c');	
    	$text = $field['label'].': '.$field['value'].'<br/>'; #first $text doesn't need a . before the =
    	$field = get_field_object('field_61712d2256ff2');	
    	$text .= $field['label'].': '.$field['value'].'<br/>';	#note the . before the = as we wish to join/concate them
    	$field = get_field_object('field_6155bf1660b3c');	
    	$text .= $field['label'].': '.$field['value'].'<br/>';	
    	# etc.
    	return $description.$text;

    Not tested with the fields but definitely works with the correct hook!