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  • Sorry this is code where need hook for custom product category

    if ( ! empty( acf_get_fields( $field_group['ID'] ) && ! empty( $id ) ) ) {
    	foreach ( acf_get_fields( $field_group['ID'] ) as $field_group_field ) {
    		$display_fields_post = apply_filters( 'acf_fields_display_wcmp_post', array(
    			'post_id' => $id, // Unique identifier for the form
    			'field_groups' => array( $field_group['ID'] ) ,  // Create post field group ID(s)
    			'form' => false,
    			'return' => '%post_url%' , // Redirect to new post url
    			'fields' => array( $field_group_field['ID'] ),
    			'uploader' => 'wp',
    			), $field_group['ID'] , $field_group_field['ID'] );
    		// Display acf fields at vendor dashboard
    		acf_form( $display_fields_post);	

    Need to can get different Fields on different Product Category

    Thank you