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  • OK here are more information to help for the debugging.

    From what I can see on network capture, the ACF datas aren’t sent to the server at the first post save, except for the fields validation.

    So basically, the network activity that I see when I push the publish button is something like:

    Client :
    -POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php …. action=acf/validate_save_post (the ACF fields are here)
    Server :
    -Ok valid, success
    Client :
    -POST /index.php/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/<id>?_locale=user (in data, there are the post title, categories, status, but no ACF fields…)
    Server :
    -OK, post created
    Client :
    POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php action=acf/ajax/check_screen
    Server :
    -Some informations

    And that’s all. In this configuration, the ACF data are never sent to the server, except for the validation. So it can be a beginning of the investigation here.