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  • I would try using htmlspecialchars().

    On the other hand if I was doing this I would probably built and array in PHP and then json_encode that array for output allowing PHP to deal with special characters.

      if ($faq) {
        $ld = array(
          '@context' => '',
          '@type' => 'FAQPage',
          'mainEntity' => array()
        if (have_rows('faq')) {
          while (have_rows('faq')) {
            $ld['mainEntity'][] = array(
              '@type' => 'Question',
              'name' => get_sub_field('question'),
              'acceptedAnswer' => array(
                '@type' => 'Answer',
                'text' => get_sub_field('answer')
          <script type="application/ld+json"><?php echo json_encode($ld); ?></script>