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  • @lgladdy
    I use locally
    Wordpress 5.8.1
    ACF version 5.10.2
    Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual 1.9.1
    WPML Media 2.6.5
    WPML Multilingual CMS 4.4.12
    WPML String Translation 3.1.10
    WPML Translation Management 2.10.8.

    When I save my custom widget, the widget get the ID media_widget-1
    but the saved options receive the ID widget_media_widget-12


    1. Add Custom Widget
    2. Fill out loaded ACFs
    3. ID is<input class="widget-id" type="hidden" name="widget-id" value="media_widget-12"><– maybe the ID should be 1 not 12
    4. Click on Update
    5. Reload the page
    6. After reloading the Gutenberg the id has changed to media_widget-1:<input class="widget-id" type="hidden" name="widget-id" value="media_widget-1">

    Hope this will help.