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  • I’m running into the same issue, I’ve added an image via filter to make it easier to connect products with another post type. I’ve tried

    add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', 'acf_add_allowed_iframe_tag', 10, 2 );
    function acf_add_allowed_iframe_tag( $tags, $context ) {
        if ( $context === 'acf' ) {
            $tags['img'] = array(
                'src'             => true,
                'height'          => true,
                'width'           => true,
                'alt'   		  => true,
                'class'   		  => true
        return $tags;

    to allow img tags, but this does not change anything. Any option, to deactivate this security feature completely? I’m the only one working on this page, so I don’t need any filters, I can care of these things myself. 🤐

    For the moment I’ve downgraded to 5.9.9. again