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  • Hi there John!

    The loop is pretty much standard:

    if ( $posts ) {
        foreach ( $posts as $post ) :
            get_template_part( 'includes/loop-job', get_post_type());

    Right? So at least I’m not missing something totally obvious. 😀 Thanks for that already! 🙂 I kinda hoped that there would be some kind of thing that everybody knew about except for me, but my code NOT being the obvious problem at least tells me I’m not a total idiot. 😉

    It might of course be some other plugin causing this problem.

    Now I could start and hunt down the culprit, but I just thought of a workaround that should do the trick as well, what do you think:

    The Problem is during sorting in a query and only hits the Address-Repeater section. I could of course hook into saving an article and THERE turn the cities into a string and save THAT in a normal (non-repeater)-field… Those aren’t affected by the glitch or whatever it is…