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  • 1) change your filter to an acf/save_post filter with priority > 10 ensure that values are saved to the DB before you try using them.

    2) Get the value of the relationhip field, unformatted, from the project post being saved.

    $kuenstlerinnen_id = get_field ('project_to_kunstlerin', $post_id, false);

    The above value could be an array

    if (is_array(kuenstlerinnen_id)) {
      $kuenstlerinnen_id = kuenstlerinnen_id[0];

    get the last name field from the other post

    $artist_nachname = get_field('artist_nachname', $kuenstlerinnen_id;

    update the field on the project with this value

    update_field('project_kunstlerin_nach_name_sort', $artist_nachname, $post_id);