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  • I know I’m a bit too late in this! But please I need your help..!
    I’m trying to display ACF in front-end using:
    1.Elementor PRO
    2.ACF (free verstion)
    3. CPT Plugin
    4. Polylang Free (2 Languages)

    I applied this bit of code found in previous thread:

    function polylang_translate()
        pll_register_string('back', 'back','General');
        pll_register_string('main_bedroom', 'Main Bedroom','General');
        pll_register_string('villa_size', 'Villa Size','General');
        pll_register_string('no_of_people', 'No of People','General');
        pll_register_string('bedrooms', 'Bedrooms','General');
        pll_register_string('bathrooms', 'Bathoom','General');
        pll_register_string('wc', 'W.C','General');
    add_action( 'init', 'polylang_translate' );

    ..which displays the fields to be translated in Polylang’s back-end no problem. However, I don’t see the translated fields in front-end, neither within ELementor’s Dynamic field tags, (which is what I’m using to display the custom fields), or anywhere.
    I also added code displayed in this thread by Mark Howells-Mead in my functions.php, but I don’t see anything different happening.

    Can I make this work and have the fields translated and displayed somehow in the front-end?
    I don’t have much knowledge in coming up with my own code, nor have I used current set up with above plugin combo to achieve this.
    Any advice / help will be much appreciated 🙂

    Thank you