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  • Hi there everyone! I’m also experiencing a related issue whit this. I’m also somewhat a “newbie” to these regards so maybe I’m missing something. I’d be glad if you pointed me that out.

    I’m currently working with WP via Oxygen and I’m still not able to pull the JavaScript API in the individual elements JavaScript panel. I understand that ACF and Oxygen has in built integration. So far regarding simple Text and files custom fields placed in a random heading it’s working perfectly.

    However, when I Try to use some JavaScript API commands it just doesn’t work.
    I’ve seen that none of the .js files (i.e:”acf-input.min.js”) are actually loaded to the final page. So, I tried manually to enqueue them via a Custom Functionality plugin to oxygen (Following: This Tutorial). Now they appear correctly included in the page’s head tags, but still doesn’t allow me to use any of the API.

    Please, What’s the appropriate way to enqueue the libraries so they work properly in oxygen?

    Maybe is there a native way to do this from wp_admin side?

    Thanks in advance! 😀