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  • Hi, I couldn’t find an answer to this so I’ll post mine here.
    My repeater is inside of a group field and I’m working outside the loop.
    The post I am saving values to is also one created by wp_insert_post so the custom fields are not actually saved in the database.

    You can get field keys from the edit field group page, click on screen options at the top right.

    $group_key = 'field_5dc936b464376';
    $repeater_key = 'field_5dc937a064379';
    $sub_field_key = 'field_5dc938076437a';
    $sub_field_key2 = 'field_5dc9382b6437b';
    update_field( $group_key, [
        $repeater_key => [
            $sub_field_key => 'a',
            $sub_field_key2 => 'b'
    ], $post_id);